Collecting Items and Volunteering for the Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
Collecting Items for Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser!
It’s that time of year when we start collecting items to donate to Buddha Eye’s annual yard sale, scheduled for July 20 & 21. This sale is our largest fundraising event. We’re looking for (lots of!) items in good condition for the sale. Please also ask your friends, neighbors and nearby family if they have gently used items that they would be willing to donate. This kind of outreach helps us substantially increase our sale proceeds. We’ll begin accepting donation items at the temple on June 24th.
In addition to needing lots of items to sell for a successful fundraiser, we also need lots of help, first with pricing items for the sale, then for staffing the sale. Pricing begins on Monday evening, July 1 and continues for three weeks. We need lots of help with this task! Sign-up forms are on the bulletin board in the front room, and you can also sign up electronically here. Please contact Issei at: with any questions.