Buddha Eye Temple

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Bodhisattvas and Racial Justice: Practice Group

Led by: Dharma Teacher Myobun Esther Tishman
Wednesdays, 3/31 - 5/5
6:30pm - 8:00pm

The world needs bodhisattvas now more than ever. How do we awaken together with all beings? Moreover, how do we do so while acknowledging systemic oppression, our individual scars, our individual complicities, our engrained and habitual confusions about power and liberation...? This group will begin with an overview of an 8th-century classic: Shantideva’s discussions of “vigilance,” “patience” and “diligence.” We’ll then move into a modern version of a similar hands-on handbook: Rhonda Magee’s The Inner Work of Racial Justice. Professor Magee will be joining our Zoom group on Wednesday, April 21st. Each online meeting will include guided meditation practice, exploration of key themes, active listening and sharing.

Registration Closed

Click here to learn more about the teacher

Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva chapters 5-7.
Rhonda Magee, The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming our Communities through Mindfulness