Community Circles
Yoga for Zazen: Cultivating Ease & Stability
2/19 - 3/19
10:00am - 11:30am
Led by: Jikie Jennifer Peterson
(Attend in-person only)
Together we will learn to release the tension that can build up during zazen, safely improve mobility to add stability and variety to your sitting posture, and learn to explore and release chronic tension and unhelpful patterns of movement. This circle is appropriate for all bodies, whether you sit in a chair or are dreaming of full lotus.
Incorporating techniques from yoga, somatic education, and therapeutic free movement, participants will find postures and exercises to comfortably incorporate into their daily lives and practice over the long term.
Registration is required for this circle. Please click here to register. If you have any questions about the class or concerns about physical limitations, please contact Jikie.
Deepening Insight through Great Wisdom Teachings
2/21 – 3/28
6:30pm – 8:00pm Kogen Houseknecht
The Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra is one of the most often chanted and most deeply studied texts of Zen Buddhism. This six week circle will focus on the deep, transformational power of this Wisdom Teaching through the Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s commentary: “The Other Shore: A New Translation of the Heart Sutra with Commentaries”.
Copies of the text will be available in the temple store. Circle limited to eight participants. This circle begins with a 30 minute period of zazen.
This Circle is now full.
Cultivating Practice
2/23 - 3/16
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Led by: Jikie Jennifer Peterson
(Attend in-person only)
How can I cultivate Zen Buddhist practice in my own life? Buddhist practice is not a solo venture; we walk our path with the Jewel of Sangha (Buddhist Community). In this circle you will find a community of people learning about Zen practice as we enact it here at Buddha Eye temple. This community circle will meet weekly, reflecting on beginning and developing practice. Registration is required for this circle. Please click here to register.
Social Justice as Collective Experience
2/14 - 5/2
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Led by: Jun-e Carmelita Thomson
(Attend online only)
The core of this group spent last year studying Ejo’s three talks on Racialized Mind. This Practice Circle grew out of that group's exploration of racism and the racialized mind. This Practice Group will shift focus to our own practice in relation to antiracism, inclusion and social justice. We will use a format that includes starting prompt, body centered reflection, and a safe place to bring your experience. Members of the core group will rotate as facilitators. All are welcomed to attend.
There will be an-going core group. You may sign up as a regular member and and are encouraged to attend all sessions.
You may also drop-in. There is no text and each meeting is complete in itself. We ask that you email the day you wish to attend.
This support Circle offers a safe place to learn from others shared experience. Being seen, accepted, and held with compassion is the magic.
Registration is required. Please click here to register.
Cultivating the Field of Compassion
7:15pm - 8:30pm
4/6, 4/20, 5/4, 5/11, and 5/18
Led by Anyu Debra Savalle
(Attend in-person only)
Join Anyu in an ongoing exploration of Buddhist teachings and practices of compassion.
Registration is required for this circle. Please click here to register.