Buddha Eye Temple

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Retreats (Sesshin)

Buddha's Birthday Sesshin

Wednesday April 6th -  Sunday April 10th

Every year we honor the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha with a ceremony in which we bathe the baby Buddha with fresh water and flowers. This year we will hold a sesshin in preparation for the ceremony. Join us!

Please read information sheet for more information, registration available at the temple.

Jukai Retreat

Friday May 6th - Sunday May 8th

During Jukai retreat, we come together to support those individuals who have committed themselves to receiving the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts, as well as nourish our own practices. The retreat ends with the special ceremony of Jukai, in which the entire community witnesses, and participates in, the expounding of the Bodhisattva Precepts.

Registration is required. Please fill out a registration in person at the temple. Forms will be available 2 weeks prior to the retreat.