Faith in Mind
Sunday 6/19
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Dharma Talk
Priest: Genjo Mark Yorke
In our enactment of zazen, we can imagine our practice as washing our restless minds in the immediacy of the body, these sense gates. We can have a taste that: "Wow, I'm not JUST a crazy monkey-mind!" And, in Buddhist thinking, the mind is also sense-organ; it is the sixth sense-gate. So, what of this rambunctious monkey? It is an important aspect of practice to calm the mind, but we are in error when we label her fantasies as merely deluded, attempting to smother her imaginative fires for pristine perception of the "real." Calm is not the same as blank, centered does not mean without imaginal flow, and awakening is in cahoots with delusion. Banana after banana, tree-branch to tree-branch... What of this spirited troop of baboons, hooting and hollering, brightly blazing through the dense forest canopy? The spirit of the Mahayana points us to trust our thinking mind as sincerely as we believe the sound of a bird or the pounding of our heart. This Sunday, we'll explore the thinking mind in zazen and how its free-flowing play is vital to the great matter of waking up.
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