Buddha Eye Temple

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Ancient and Practical Liberation

Ancient and Practical Liberation

Sunday June 9th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen 

Buddhist teachings of Interbeing and Emptiness are beautiful but can sometimes feel abstract and difficult to bring into our day to day living.  From the time of the Buddha, practical application of teachings has been emphasized, and there are a great many teachings on how to bring awakened vision to our daily activities.  Join Abbot Ejo McMullen for this summer series on one of the most ancient teachings of liberation, The Six Perfections.  

In case you missed it, check out last week's Dharma Talk, "What is Transmitted From West to East?" 

No registration required. Contact the Buddha Eye office for more information office@buddhaeye.org

Dharma Kids Childcare during Sunday Service!