Buddha Eye Temple

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What is Transmitted from West to East?

What is Transmitted from West to East?

Sunday June 2nd
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen 

At the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, there was a legend about what would happen after his passing from this world.  The legend said that his teachings would travel from the Western lands of North India and spread East throughout this world.  That is in fact what happened, but what exactly spread?  And what parts are important to preserve?  Join Abbot Ejo McMullen as he reflects on these questions in light of his recent tour of temples in Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts.

No registration required. Contact the Buddha Eye office for more information office@buddhaeye.org

Dharma Kids Childcare during Sunday Service!