Legacy Giving

Buddha Eye Temple exists thanks to extraordinary generosity. Over our first 20 years, countless contributions in founding, sustaining, and growing this temple have allowed Buddhist teachings and practice to soak deeply into the roots of our community.

As we contemplate our connection to future generations, we invite you to help Buddha Eve Temple remain vibrant far into the future by including us in your end-of-life financial plans.

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals who are
helping to ensure that Buddha Eye Temple flourishes
into the future by including us in their estate plans:

Shine Alison Brown
Jikko Rose Gladstein
Dawn Holt
Kogen Howard Houseknecht
Ejo and Azusa McMullen
Karuna Neustadt
David Piper
Suiho Louise Ruhr
Ogyoku Stacy Jo Scott & Sonia Dahl
Myoan Thelma Soderquist & Larry Robidoux
Onshin Juliet Thompson
Junsei Karessa Torgerson & Isso Russell Moon
Issei Robin Weil

If you would like to speak with someone about planning a gift please contact us at sustainability@buddhaeye.org