Buddha Eye Temple

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Tuesday Evening Classes

Foundations of Buddhism

2/15 - 3/15
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Led by Genjo Mark Yorke
(Attend in-person or 

Buddhism contains a great wealth of teachings both ancient and contemporary. Given the immensity of this canon, and our unprecedented modern access, how are we to navigate the teachings of the Buddhas and Ancestors? In this 6-week class, we will explore fundamentals of Buddhist thought, and learn how to apply them in our daily experience and personal practice.

Buddhist Ethics & The Precepts

3/29 - 4/26
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Led by Dharma Teacher Myobun Tishman 
(Attend in-person or 

"How shall I live?" This is a fundamental question of spiritual life and practice. In our tradition, we refer to the Precepts as the root of this inquiry. Join us as we study what our Buddhist Ancestors have laid forth as the basis of living an ethical life through vow. 

Registration is required for this circle. Please click here to register.