Buddha Eye Temple

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“Fusatsu” (Monthly Ceremony of Atonement)

Friday 10/30

(Available in-person and online)

Fusatsu is a monthly ceremony of atonement and vow renewal, coinciding with the Full Moon. We hold Zazen at 6:30 PM, followed by an individual atonement ceremony (participation is optional – may be done silently). Afterward is the Fusatsu ceremony, which concludes at roughly 9:00 PM. Please hold noble silence when arriving and exiting the temple.

This ceremony is open to everyone, no registration necessary. Seating in the hall is limited to first come first served, attendees should read the our guidelines for attending assemblies in person. 

If you are joining us online, please click on this link to join. Please try to sign on a few minutes early in case there are any technical difficulties.

Click here on Thursday 10/1 at 6:30pm to join this Service and Dharma Talk on Zoom

You can also download a PDF copy of our Sutra Book here if you would like to follow along with chanting service.