Listening Session for Kid's Sangha
Wednesdays 1/19, 1/26, 2/2
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Led by Koji Reiko Rain Rue
(Attend on-line only)
Join any or all of these three listening sessions to collectively envision welcoming kids and families back to the temple for our Kids Sangha, after this long hiatus since March 2020. These listening sessions are for all Buddha Eye community members who have an interest in exploring what we have to offer kids through the rich diversity of generations, and how we can support each other to live out the dharma together throughout space and time here and now.
Everyone with an interest in creativity, playfulness, growth and unique perspective is encouraged to attend! We will brainstorm and share aspirations for integrating children and families into our temple community, and how we can work together for the vibrancy of Buddha Eye, nourishing a deeper sense of collective Sangha. Please click on the Sunday temple zoom link at the designated time.
Click here to join on Zoom