Lecture Series: “Racialized Mind”
Lead by Head Teacher Ejo McMullen
Tuesdays: 9/29, 10/27, 11/24
(Available in-person and online)
Listen to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
This three part lecture series is an introduction to Buddhist teachings on the structure of consciousness, and proposes how such teachings can help connect the indispensable work of overturning white supremacy with Buddhist practice. Lectures will focus on grounding the many important social explanations of inequity and oppression to find the living current of domination deep within mind. The discovery of that current helps us realize the mutual necessity of personal and collective liberation.
This lecture series is open to everyone, not registration necessary. Seating in the hall is limited to first come first served, and attendees should read the following guidelines for attending assemblies in person.
If you are joining us online, please click on this link to join. Please try to sign on a few minutes early in case there are any technical difficulties.