The Bodhisattva Way: A Practice Group
Led by: Myobun Esther Freinkel Tishman
Wednesdays, 2/10 - 3/17
6:30pm - 8:00pm (online)
In all its turmoil, and all its promise, the world needs bodhisattvas now more than ever. How do we do this thing? How do we walk the path of the bodhisattva with fierce determination and gentle hearts? Join Myobun on Wednesday nights for a hands-on introduction to the 8th-century classic, Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattva. Each online meeting will include guided meditation practice, teaching and sharing. Let’s do this together.
Please note that participants in this group meet for meditation online with guidance from the teacher at 6:30pm, not at the temple.
Registration required. Please click here to register by Wednesday February 10th.
Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva
(Recommended) Pema Chodron, No Time to Lose