"Burden and The Bundle"
Sunday 6/26
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Dharma Talk
Sangha Elder: Jun-e Thomson
This Sunday, Sangha Elder, Jun-e Thomson will be giving the dharma talk as well as receiving questions from the community. Jun-e has formally practiced Zen Buddhism since 1986. Her interest in Buddhism and particularly Zen began in her late twenties. She began formal practice in a Soto Zen sitting group led by a priest from San Francisco Zen Center. In 1995 she became involved with The Eugene Zendo which was connected with Dharma Rain in Portland. Jun-e received Jukai in 2005 and formally ordained in Zaike Tukudo in 2009. In 2019 she received the title Sangha Elder of Buddha Eye and currently serves in various leadership roles at Buddha Eye. In her professional life she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been in private practice for many years.
Download Sutra Book PDF here.
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