Buddha Eye Temple

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The Avatamsaka Sutra and The Hua Yen School

Wednesdays March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29;
April 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10

6:30-8:30 pm
Led by Head Student Shin'ei Alison Brown

The cosmos perceived as a wondrous jewel, a nexus of interdependent causes and conditions. Disciple and Koji in training, Shin’ei Alison Brown will present an in-depth course on the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Hua Yen School.  Colorful, imaginative, and challenging, the Avatamsaka is considered the crown of Buddhist sutras, one of the earliest Buddhist literatures to enter China. The Hua Yen School evolved in the seventh century drawing insight from the Avatamsaka. The Hua Yen  was highly influential in Zen practice forming  the basis of two main sutras we chant in the mornings, Precious Mirror Samadhi and the Harmony of Difference and Sameness.  It is key to deepening the notion of compassion and interconnection into your everyday life and practice. 

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