Exploring Zazen
Exploring Zazen
Led by Koji Jikie Peterson
Monday evenings in the Jizo Hall @ 6:30 p.m.
1st Session: September 19, 26; October 3, 10, 17
2nd Session: October 24, 31; November 14, 21, 28 [Fusatsu celebrated Nov 7]
Zazen is the central practice of our tradition, but we don’t often discuss in groups exactly how we continue to unfold and deepen our sitting practice. When we are new to zazen it can feel like we have no idea what we ‘should be doing’ or how to ask. Over time we wonder how to keep our sitting practice vibrant and not fall into ‘potato-head’ zen. In this circle we will share our questions and insights and use short readings, breath and posture investigations, and somatic techniques to shine the light of our inquiry directly on zazen. There will be two 5-week sessions of this circle. Pre-registration for each session is required and you may attend the 1st or 2nd or both. [Click here to register]. For more information contact Jikie (jikiepeterson@gmail.com).