Perfecting Wisdom: The Teaching of the Buddhist ‘Paramitas’
Join Dharma Teacher Myobun on Tuesdays this Fall for lively, immersive classes exploring the very groundwork of this dharma path. “The Four Noble Truths” and “Perfecting Wisdom” may be taken independently or consecutively. Both are suitable for all levels of experience and practice.
Perfecting Wisdom: The Teaching of the Buddhist ‘Paramitas’
Tuesdays in October and November
(Note: there will be no class on October 4, in recognition of Erev Yom Kippur)
Zazen 6:30
Class 7:20 – 8:30 Click hear for live stream
How can we lead a more responsive, thoughtful, loving life? How can we live more wisely? The Six Paramitas or “Perfections” are qualities of heart and mind that we can actually cultivate. This teaching is both straightforward and profound. When the Buddha Shakyamuni saw the morning star after his long vigil of awakening, he declared: “I together with all beings and the great earth awaken at this time.” Together with all beings and the great earth: this is the fundamental orientation of Prajna, of Wisdom. This is the Wisdom that perfects us, if we can just learn to trust, and lean in….
Pre-registration for Tuesday classes is required. [Click here to register]. For more information contact Myōbun (