Imagining Awakening
Sunday 2/27
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Dharma Talk
Genjo Mark Yorke
What is the best life I can live? Living is trial by fire: countless missteps seem to tread our path. Conflicting images of a fulfilled human life rain down upon us from all sides. From popular culture to folk wisdom, humanistic psychology to ancient religious traditions, each vein of human culture responds to this essential question. Our lineage of Buddhism also posits an essential vision. Our ancestors boldly proclaimed “to live your best life, become a Buddha!” That sounds like a long journey… so, where to begin? What is it like to be firmly rooted upon the vehicle of Buddha’s great awakening? What is a step on that path? What twists, turns, and transformations meet us as we are walking, waking? Join us this Sunday as we explore Lotus Sutra’s core vision of liberation.
Download Sutra Book PDF here.
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