Buddha Eye Temple

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Last Sunday: Atonement

September 15th, 20024
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by: Abbot Ejo McMullen

In his essay entitled INMO, Dogen-zenji quotes an ancient verse: 

“If one falls down because of the ground, one gets up because of the ground. If one seeks to get up apart from the ground, It will never be possible.”

Hitting the ground hurts, and we are usually stunned by the reality that we have fallen.  Defensiveness and explanation are too often our misguided refuge, and we get stuck.  Buddhist teachings point to another way, atonement.  Join us for a dharma talk by Abbot Ejo McMullen on the liberation of facing our karma and taking responsibility for the path.

In case you missed it, check out our most recent Dharma Talk, “Ancient & Practical Wisdom Part 12”

No registration required. Contact the Buddha Eye office for more information office@buddhaeye.org

Dharma Kids Childcare during Sunday Service!