Buddha Eye Temple

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Everything Will Not Be OK - Hallelujah!

Sunday May 26th
Zazen: 9:00am
Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Koji Jikie Peterson

Human beings seem to spend most of our time waiting for conditions to line up to our satisfaction. I will be happy when I have a partner, lose 20 pounds, or have enough money to pay my bills. I will stop being stressed out when I finish school, get through this week, or navigate this crisis. Even though we know none of these things will actually give us 'happily ever after,’ the idea that ease and joy is dependent on external circumstances remains deeply seductive. What are the implications of this for how we live, practice, and care for each other? Dogen tells us that Nirvana is not separate from birth and death, not separate from our life exactly as it is. How can we practice embodying this freedom?