Sunday: March 3rd
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk Led by Head Student Jikie Peterson
The Wholehearted Way
Sunday February 25th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Way Seeking Mind
Sunday: Februrary 11th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Circles of Connection
Sunday: February 4th, 2024
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting service, Zazen, and talk
Committed Practice
Sunday: January 28st
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting service, Zazen, and talk
Inspired Discipline
Sunday: January 21st
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting service, Zazen, and talk
The Practice of the Wild: Zen, Nature and Society
Sunday: December 10th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Ceremony
Jukai (Ceremony of Giving and Receiving Precepts)
Sunday: December 10th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Ceremony
Journey to the Tree of Awakening, part 3 of 3
Sunday: November 12th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Journey to the Tree of Awakening, part 2 of 3
Sunday: November 12th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Reflections on Rohatsu
Sunday: November 12th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Journey to the Tree of Awakening, part 1 of 3
Sunday: November 12th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Question & Response
Sunday: November 5th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
O-Segaki (Ritual of Feeding the Hungry Ghosts)
Sunday 10/29
Abbot Ejo McMullen
Gate of Sweet Nectar Part 2
Sunday 10/23
Abbot Ejo McMullen
Gate of Sweet Nectar Part 1
Sunday 10/15
Abbot Ejo McMullen
The Feminine, Poetry and the Sacred
Sunday 10/8
Koji Shin'ei Alison Brown
Question & Response
Sunday 10/1
Abbot Ejō McMullen
O-HIGAN - The Autumn Equinox
Sunday 9/24
Abbot Ejō McMullen
Turning Towards the Dark
Sunday 9/17
Abbot Ejō McMullen