Sunday: March 24th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Led by Head Student Jikie
Weekly Bulletin for 3/22/24 - 3/29/24 →
Read this digest here.
Read moreWeekly Bulletin for 3/15/24 - 3/22/24 →
Venerating Earth Spirits, Venerating Compassion
Sunday: March 17th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Sunday: March 10th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Led by Koji Kogen
Weekly Bulletin for 3/8/24 - 3/15/24 →
Weekly Bulletin for 3/3/24 - 3/10/24 →
Who is the self that practices?
Sunday: March 3rd
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk Led by Head Student Jikie Peterson
The Wholehearted Way
Sunday February 25th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
O-Segaki (Ritual of Feeding the Hungry Ghosts)
Sunday November 3rd
Zazen: 9:00am
Ceremony: 10:00am
Weekly Bulletin for 2/16/24 - 2/23/24 →
Way Seeking Mind
Sunday: Februrary 11th
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting Service, Zazen, and Talk
Weekly Bulletin for 2/9/24 - 2/16/24 →
Circles of Connection
Sunday: February 4th, 2024
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting service, Zazen, and talk
Weekly Bulletin for 2/2/24 - 2/9/24 →
Committed Practice
Sunday: January 28st
9:00am: Zazen
10:00am: Chanting service, Zazen, and talk
Zen Mind, Zen Forms
Zen Forms, Zend Mind
Co-taught by Dharma Teacher Myobun, Koji Anyu, Novice Koji Jikie, and Novice Koji Reiko
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.
January 23rd - February 13th
Winter & Spring 2024 Programming Guide
Term Opening Ceremony
Sunday February 11
Zazen: 9:00am
Ceremony: 10:00am
Hanamatsuri (Buddha's Birthday Celebration)
Sunday April 7th
Zazen: 9:00am
Ceremony: 10:00am