Sunday August 11th
Zazen: 9:00am
Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Fall & Winter 2024 Programming Guide →
Check out a preview of the classes, circles, ceremonies, and more Buddha Eye Temple is offering this Fall & Winter 2024!
Read moreAncient and Practical Liberation Part 8
Sunday August 4th
Zazen: 9:00am
Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Ancient and Practicel Liberation Part 7
Sunday July 21st
Zazen: 9:00am
Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Weekly Bulletin for 8/2/24 - 8/9/24 →
The Temple is on Summer Recess the Month of August!
During the month of August, Buddha Eye Temple will go on summer Recess. Sunday Assemblies will continue as usual, but regularly scheduled, weekday practices and services will be on pause, starting July 29th, and resume on Monday September 2nd.
Read moreWeekly Bulletin for 7/26/24 - 8/2/24 →
Weekly Bulletin for 7/19/24 - 7/26/24 →
Zaikei Tokudo of Togen and Joshin
Sunday July 21st
Zazen: 9:00am
Ceremony: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Ancient and Practical Liberation Part 6
Sunday July 14th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Weekly Bulletin for 7/12/24 - 7/19/24 →
Ancient and Practical Liberation Part 5
Sunday July 7th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Ancient and Practical Liberation Part 4
Sunday June 30th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Weekly Bulletin for 7/5/24 - 7/12/24 →
Ancient and Practical Liberation Part 3
Sunday June 23rd
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Weekly Bulletin for 6/21/24 - 6/28/24 →
Ancient and Practical Liberation Part 2
Sunday June 16th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen
Weekly Bulletin for 6/14/24 - 6/21/24 →
Ancient and Practical Liberation
Sunday June 9th
Zazen: 9:00am
Service and Dharma Talk: 10:00am
Led by Abbot Ejo McMullen