Buddha Eye Temple

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Consider becoming a Buddha Eye “Steward”

Consider becoming a Buddha Eye “Steward”
Info Meeting Sunday, 10/14 from 11:40-12:10 in the zendo

Lots of institutions have membership dues and program fees. At Buddha Eye, we don’t. We want our doors and our offerings to be completely, profoundly open and available to all. At the same, we invite all who enter our sanctuary to share in the care and keeping of this community. What keeps our wheels turning, in fact, is the wondrous outpouring from our community — folks offering their time, their talent, their resources.

In addition, we also invite folks to step into a more formal commitment to the temple by becoming Buddha Eye “stewards.” Our stewards meet at least twice a year as a Stewardship Council. The Council reviews the work, the opportunities, the challenges that face our temple – and provides counsel and support to the Board and to the Abbot.

In addition to their counsel, our stewards also bring their available resources to the temple and the broader sangha. The practice of generosity or dana is an essential component of temple stewardship. There are no set requirements to be a steward, but in general and according to their inclinations and capacities, stewards donate money, goods and services, time and talent to the temple on a regular basis.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Buddha Eye Steward, please join us for a brief informational session after assembly on Sunday, October 14th. We’ll meet in the zendo from approximately 11:40-12:10.

Our Fall Stewardship Council meeting will be held on Sunday, October 28th from 12-2.