Practice Discussion and Sanzen


Sanzen: Individual Meetings with a teacher

Sanzen is a short, formal, and direct interaction with a lineage holder of the tradition. Please come to Sanzen with a clear question to present to the teacher. If it is difficult to frame a question, please come to Sanzen prepared to discuss what you are working with in practice and the teacher will help you find your question. “What is an important question?” is itself a very important question!

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings (6:00 - 6:40 AM)

*Unavailable during Summer schedule (June - August)*

Morning Sanzen is held during the second period of morning zazen (6 - 6:40 AM). There are seats marked Sanzen 1, 2, and 3 in the hall. Sit in one of these seats and go out in order to the Hojo (Abbot’s office) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or the Jizo Hall on Fridays, when you here the abbot’s hand bell.

Monday and Wednesday evenings (4:30- 6:00 PM)

*Unavailable during Summer schedule (June - August)*

Sign up for a 15 minute slot in person at the temple. The sign-up sheet is posted by the entrance to the abbot’s office, the small building in the back of the garden. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early and take the seat marked with your time slot in the main hall. When the person just before you returns to their seat, go to the Hojo (Abbot’s office) and ring the bell at the entrance gate. When you hear the abbot’s hand bell, you may enter. After your meeting with the abbot, return to your seat in the main hall and sit for a while. You may leave when you feel ready.

Please feel free to email us if you have any questions

Practice Discussion

Practice Discussion is an opportunity to deepen practice through discussion with senior practitioners in our community in a more informal manner. These discussions can include anything from a life of practice you feel is important to present or ask about. Online and in person options are available. Sign up sheets are posted in the front entrance room. You’re also welcome to call to sign up or email directly.

Please visit our Teacher’s Page for more informatiom about scheduling and availability.