Led by Abbot Ejō McMullen
Zazen: 6:30 pm
Assembly: 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Thursday 9/14, 9/21, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30
No registration required
On Thursday evenings we meet for meditation and a dharma teaching offered by Head Teacher Ejo McMullen. No registration is required to attend Thursday Evening Assembly.
This Fall, Hojo-san will explore "Jijuyu-zanmai," am important work by the 18th century Soto Zen revivalist Menzan Zuiho. The text is a direct pointing to the heart of our lineage, zazen. The Great Teacher Menzan does not mince words in addressing the mistakes we make in how we conceive of Buddha Dharma and practice. Although the text is challenging, this series is intended for everyone regardless of level of experience.
A copy of the text translation which we will be using for the lecture series can be found here: "Jijuyu-zanmai" by Menzan Zuiho.
No registration is required.
First class recording was lost due to a technical difficulty.
Class two, 9/21
Class three, 10/5
Class four, 10/12
Class five, 10/19
Class six, 11/02
Class seven, 11/09