A message from the Abbott…
Zen training takes many forms. We have profound examples of Zen ancestors who lived robust, monastic lives, others were hermits, some were hidden in the folds of a daily life as a ferryman or a cook. One modern ancestor lived out his days making simple flutes from grass and playing them in the park for passers by. While there are many shapes, there are two things every ancestor has done. Each has studied with a teacher, and each has practiced with a community.
Over the past several years we have intentionally kept the Term Student requirements less time-consuming to help make the program possible for more people. With this 2025 Practice Term I have decided to turn back to an earlier form of term practice at Buddha Eye that emphasizes a concentrated period of study and practice with teacher and community. If you look over the requirements you will see daily zazen, chanting, and study as well as attendance at two assemblies each week and regular meetings with a teacher. The point is not simply to do many things or spend lots of time in practice. The point is to create an intentional period of time in which to investigate your whole life with your whole life.
We have been able to include many more classes, circles, assemblies, workshops and retreats in our program schedule. If the requirements of the Term Student program are too much for you right now, please consider some of these other opportunities. I believe most people will be able to find something that fits their inspiration and practical realities.
2025 Term Student Program:
February 9 – May 4
Term Text: Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra (Lotus Sutra)
Teacher: Ejo McMullen
Practice Leaders: Myobun Freinkel, Kogen Houseknecht, Jun-e Thomson Anyu Savelle, Shin’ei Brown, Jiki-e Peterson
Head of Assembly: Jakuen de la Paz
Head of Hall: Joichi Sjostrom
Sincerity is the simplest thing in the world and also the most difficult to maintain. It requires vulnerability and uprightness in the face of a constantly shifting and challenging world. Meeting life squarely takes intention, and there are countless ways to escape. The foremost aim of the Term Student Program is to cultivate and guide our sincere heart through inquiry into the Buddha way. What calls to each of us has called to countless beings throughout the ages and in every corner of the world. What is the call now? Here? How will you respond?
In the traditional monastic practice periods held at Zen monasteries, training is accomplished through cloister and intense attention to every detail of daily life. Zazen, chanting, and studying sutras (the kinds of things we typically associate with Buddhist practice) are of course central, but equal attention is paid to cooking, eating, sleeping, relating to each other, and otherwise taking care of life. At a community temple like Buddha Eye, we model this kind of monastic training in sesshin and other retreats, but the practice term looks different than the monastic cloister. Recognizing that we all have diverse responsibilities and affiliations throughout the wider community, training is organized to help us wake up to the importance of our whole life, in and outside the temple walls. The approach is to embrace the terrain of our daily life as the field of Buddhist practice and at the same time to take refuge in the temple community, practice, and teachings in order to center our spiritual journey.
Term Student’s arrange their lives to make practice and study central and continual throughout the 12-week term. If you are thinking about taking part as a term student, please read over the requirements below carefully and consider if you are ready and able to make the necessary commitment for the entire term.
Attend Term Student Orientation Sunday 2/2 from 12:00 – 1:00. The orientation will cover constructing a zazen schedule, sutra recitation, logistics of signing up for Sanzen/Practice Discussion, approaches to study, orienting to Thursday assemblies and other important term information.
Attend Term Student Meetings: Sunday 2/9, 3/9, and 4/13 from 1:00 to 3:00.
Regular daily zazen: Minimum 30 minutes daily (6 days a week).
Regular recitation practice: short daily recitations along with zazen.
Assemblies: be present for both Sunday and Thursday Assemblies most weeks. If you need to miss an assembly, please listen live online or to the recording.
Study: Regular reading of the term text (Lotus Sutra) and other supplementary readings provided by the teacher.
Homework: Students may be asked to prepare short written reflections for term student meetings.
Sanzen and/or Practice Discussion: minimum of five times during the term. Sanzen is a formal meeting with a lineage holder centered on a specific question arising in practice. Practice Discussion is a less formal meeting with a practice leader and can cover a range of practice topics. (see website for available times and how to sign up)
Non-required Opportunities:
Participation in Retreats: You may want to consider participation in Sesshin, Zazenkai, and other retreats.
Term Student Discussion Groups are active throughout the term and facilitated by Practice Leaders.
Please email the temple office (office@buddhaeye.org) or telephone (541-312-4576) if you have questions about the Term Student Program.
All Term Students please make sure to register online starting January 20th, and attend the February 2 nd Term Student Orientation.