Practicing with Our Women Ancestors: Community Circle on The Hidden Lamp

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Facilitated by Senior Student Reiko Rain Rue
Sundays, May 16-June 20
2:30pm - 3:30pm (

How do we attend to absence with presence? How do we take up the practice of wholeness? In this Community Circle we will be practicing with a few koans from The Hidden Lamp, a collection of teaching stories and reflections that attends to the invisibility of women ancestors and their wisdom. From the editors: β€œYes, this is a book that features women, but there are men here too, in almost every story; this is a book of human stories, human teachings.” Likewise, this is a practice circle for all human beings, in our whole embodied practice for the benefit of all beings.

Registration has closed for this circle. Please contact us at if you would like more information.